Simon & Schuster UK - A Publisher Needs your Help!
Hi Chaps!
Pedamundo greetings aside, business hats on. There is currently a 'land grab' going on in the world of Facebook. Google 'Facebook land grab' for relevant info. Long story short, a very fine publisher on my side of the pond needs 1000 fans on Facebook to secure their own special bit of Facebook land. Whether you feel a UK publisher can help you or not, this is a great little bit of publishing karma and it will surely be returned to you in abundant book sales at a later date.
Up for the challenge? How cool would it be if we were able to do this just with our own network? (What a great thing for us all to be able to tell publishers too...) Obviously, if you're on Facebook, follow them by becoming a 'fan' but also put the link on your sites, blogs, twitter etc and tell everyone with even the slightest interest in books/writing to do the same. This is the link:
Oodles of love,
P.S. I got my name in the Facebook land grab! If you're on there, look me up.