How Wild is your Wildest Idea?
>> Tuesday, 20 July 2010 –
giant skateboard
Have you ever had a wild creative idea? One that filled you with excitement and anticipation? Did you back away from it in case it was a little bit too wild? What if you'd just gone through with it?
When you read, how wild are you? How often do you skip into a different genre and try it out? What holds you back from being a teeny, tiny bit wild?
This vid is pretty wild. Imagine if someone had applied logic, or health and safety regulations, to this idea. It would never have happened.
Be reckless and leave a comment below.
Wow! I love it... how good is that!
Getting off a skateboard that size is one of the toughest parts (and avoiding being rolled over) not the getting on - or is that just the perspective from the safety of my desk? You're right: we should have more wild ideas, and follow them through.
Umm, there's really not anything "too wild" when it comes to writing, promoting, living crazily!
Thanks Michael. It does look bloody dangerous when he bails out, doesn't it?
Good point Angie. We're all literary nutters! :)