With 3 hours and 17 minutes to go until my annual book deadline, my second novel is finished!! (I am permitted the extra exclamation mark as this is a huge deal). For newcomers: a year ago today I set myself the task of finishing the first draft of my second novel by midnight tonight and I've finished it with three hours to spare and only 2000 words off my estimated word count for the first draft. I'm chuffed. I might do a bit of a dance... That was fun. Now I'm going to have a celebratory slurp of tea.... Yum!
Right. I'm exhausted so I'm probably going to take a couple of days off. I'd planned to take a couple of weeks off but the economy being what it is, I need to start sending off manuscripts as soon as I can.
From Brain to Bookshelf - Review of The Plan
First task: write two novels to prove I'm not a 'one novel wonder'
I can tick that one off.
Second task: get agent.
Task for next week. I should set myself a deadline for that too. Hmm. The heating oil runs out in a month so maybe I'll give myself three weeks to find an agent and then review things. That's the new plan.
Right - I'm off to eat chocolate. Snaps for me! :)
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